Mind, Body, Voice : Ways Of Theatricality
Neutralité de la diction dans la performance “Une année sans une autre” de Virginie Balabaud
The performance “Une année sans une autre” (“A year without another one”) acted by Virginie Balabaud addresses the intimate connection between History, Object and Absence. The reading of a World War II psychiatric patient’s draft letters, a combination of silence and words, leads the artist to question the voice adjustability. From a neutral angle, Virginie Balabaud explores the relation between diction and dramaturgy: Does neutrality and minimalism reinforce the dramatic intensity? Virginie Balabaud conceptualizes the joint of vocal harmonies as time goes on. In this project, the tone is a vehicle of temporality, implying the perception of past, present and future. The artist intends to report obstacles lining her artistic path through a sophisticated scenery and using her voice as a tool.
Consulter : la publication papier, STUDIA UBB DRAMATICA, LIX, 2, 2014, p. 171-175